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Legionella round-up September 2020

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Legionella round up September 2020. Care at Home / Prison Outbreak

by | Oct 6, 2020 | Blog

Legionella continues to cause problems for organisations opening up their premises after lockdown. In September there were a number of reports about problems caused by elevated levels in water systems of companies that had to close their doors for a few months, with the subsequent expense and disruption this brings. Here’s a round-up of news articles about legionella and Legionnaires’ disease over the last month.


Legionnaires’ disease outbreaks in the Midlands

In West Bromwich, there have been three confirmed cases of Legionnaires’ disease, with others suspected. Although there is no link between the affected people, who are being treated in hospital, it is thought there must be a common source, and urgent investigations are ongoing.


Care home at risk

Senior managers at a Derry care home were forced to find temporary accommodation for 39 residents when legionella bacteria were found in the home’s water system – though thankfully none of the residents or staff are showing any symptoms of Legionnaires’ disease. The home will be closed until the completion of remedial work.


Prison outbreak

In the United States, two prisoners at a correctional centre in Illinois were hospitalised with Legionnaires’ disease, prompting an urgent water quality assessment.


Legionella after lockdown

A number of different organisations in the United States have found elevated levels of legionella bacteria in their water systems after months of lockdown. This included buildings leased by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which had to close some of its own facilities after legionella bacteria were found in the water systems.

Schools in Pittsburgh and New York have had difficulties with elevated levels of legionella bacteria. In Pittsburgh, four schools had their water systems subjected to extreme water temperatures, drained, refilled and flushed. However, despite these measures, three of the schools are still showing some elevated levels and will have to go through the same procedures again. A similar situation occurred in the New York schools where the use of water from kitchen sinks had to be suspended. It was safe enough for staff and students to be in the buildings, but all the schools had to provide bottled water.

The expense and disruption of having elevated levels of legionella bacteria in your water system can severely impact your business. Regular assessments and testing can help prevent outbreaks and negative PR that can follow. Contact us to find out more.

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