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What Are A GP Surgery's Responsibilities Regarding Water Safety?

What Are A GP Surgery’s Responsibilities Regarding Water Safety?

by | Apr 20, 2022 | Blog

As the legionella bacterium is of particular risk to the elderly and vulnerable, it stands to reason that GP surgeries must take extreme care over their water system management. 


Do Doctors’ Surgeries Need Legionella Risk Assessments?

All surgeries are legally responsible for the health and safety of their staff and patients under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. Staff are legally required to undertake legionella risks assessments and to take the precautions needed to prevent harm or take remedial action to remove any traces of the bacteria.

A responsible person must be appointed to take care of the management of legionella risks – this could be the duty holder, a member of staff or an external specialist. The responsible person must understand their legal responsibilities as well as the health and safety risks of the legionella bacteria, take necessary action and keep detailed notes. 


How Often Should Doctors’ Surgeries Have a Legionella Risk Assessment? 

The legal requirement is to undertake regular risk assessments – because GP surgeries are used by the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions that put them more at risk from legionella, we would recommend a risk assessment is undertaken every year. 



For smaller GP surgeries, there are cost-effective ways of managing legionella. You can find out more about the bacteria and the duties of a responsible person by doing our CPD accredited Legionella Awareness Online Training Course. For just £35 (plus VAT), you will learn more about the legionella bacterium and the risks it poses, gain knowledge of your responsibilities, learn how to identify risks, understand how to control and manage the bacteria, and understand the importance of monitoring and keeping accurate, up-to-date records.  


Water Testing 

Although it is not a legal requirement, water testing and analysis is recommended as part of your risk assessment. If this is something you would prefer to do yourself, we have a water testing kit that is ideal for doctors’ surgeries. The price includes laboratory analysis for traces of legionella pneumophila serogroup 1, cfu l and 100 cfu l. No training is required, and you will have the results within 10-14 days. 


Risk Assessment and Water Testing 

If you would like our help with the management of legionella, we are experienced in risk assessments and routine maintenance in GP surgeries where access is often limited and time is of the essence. Contact us to find out more. 


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